A timeline at the start of the year for projects, events, ideas and goals.
A small marquetry project where the prompt was "curves".
The process of making the stool.
Reflection page for the stool.
A small art practice involving lines.
An art practice involving perspective.
Logo design and comments on colour and shape theory.
Ideas for the Depot project.
Info on the Blob Tree and my ideas for the Blob Branch.
Process for the Blob Branch
Depot reflection.
A moodboard for Poppit Sands beach.
Christmas fair reflection.
Final project ideas.
More in depth look into ideas for the final project.
Ideas and story tiles.
Scene ideas and first cutting list
May timeline
Step by step for Story Tiles
Story tiles reflection
The beginning of a carved dragon.
Hand planed stool legs with a pile of wood shavings.
Finished stool from the underside.
The insides of the stools; mostly hog hair.
A collection of the stools everyone made.
The veneered lids and bases for boxes.
Mine and Naomi's table at the Christmas fair.
My logo made into a stamp via the laser cutter.
Me using a router.
A chip carving done in lime wood.
A wood, wire and fabric dragon.
The carved dragon, now with wings.
The first iteration of a business card for my art.
The other side of a business card design, this one for woodwork.
The story tiles being used.
Customised box for a friend.
Finished story tiles sets
Finished ply story tiles sets
My first big project; a shaker table.
My second project, a cabinet.
Also the cabinet. Made from spalted beech and normal beech.
A group project chair, made from ash, walnut and elm.
My own project; a table with a light up constellation - Draco - on top
A coopered box. It involved my nemesis: maths.
My first milking stool, made from spalted beech.